We are PACK 14, in Three Fires Council, Pottawatomi Trails District!
We will have a great time this year with campouts, hikes, service projects, the Pinewood Derby, Scout Masses, and more!
Volunteers Needed! Thank you for your interest in Cub Scouts! We are hoping to have a awesome year for these boys. But we need some help to do it, please consider volunteering for one of the Open positions. Some of our parents have volunteered for more than one position, but we can't do this alone! If you can fill one of these positions (all of these can be done with a friend or spouse), it will really help this pack have a fantastic Cub Scout experience! |
2018 Regatta
These are the needed chairs:
Cub Master-Master of Ceremonies at the monthly pack meetings; plans pack meetings; attends August district kick-off meeting; attends the pack's fall round-up; assists the committee chair as needed
Please contact Anita Brady if you are interested in helping our pack.
Cub Master-Master of Ceremonies at the monthly pack meetings; plans pack meetings; attends August district kick-off meeting; attends the pack's fall round-up; assists the committee chair as needed
Please contact Anita Brady if you are interested in helping our pack.